I try not to get into positions where I will be provoked.
I avoid confrontations.
If I have to get into them, someone will probably say, I lost my temper. They may or may not be correct.
On the other hand. I worked as a deputy sheriff at the county jail dealing with prisoners all day.
And at times they would zealously provoke me.
I can say I never lost my temper doing my job at the jail. If I had to fight someone or discipline someone, I never lost my temper.
Maybe because everything I did was on video. And I had to write a report regarding everything I ever did and then the brass would compare my report to the video. So I knew I couldn't loose my temper or I would loose my job. And I wanted the retirement.
I have had urine and feces thrown at me and people swing at me, I have been called every name prisoners can think of, and I never lost my temper.
I try to avoid confrontations. Because, I know to the extreme they lead to a fight and fighting leads to jail. And I worked in the jail and I don't want to go there.
I will fight to protect myself from being attacked or harmed but I will avoid heated arguments that lead to fighting.
I have enough martial arts and police training that I can look at someone and tell whether I can beat them or not.
And if I can beat them they might know it to and shoot or stab me first. I don't need that.
And I know where I live in Florida if you end up fighting someone on the street probably both parties are going to jail. What do I need to fight someone for?
I can tell by looking at them whether I can beat them or not. I don't need to go to jail, pay for a lawyer and get a criminal record.
Florida is a state where many people have concealed weapons permits. And If a person feels threatened they can shoot you and probably get away with it.
So that is a good reason for me to control my temper.